Sep 27, 2020
This next Prezzy Wezzy Potential for 1832 is a man who only wanted ONE THING. And then he never got it. And then he worked hard for other things. And he never got them. Whatever happened to being a doctor, John?
Sep 20, 2020
This week we're looking at the first potential prezzy wezzy candidate for this truly fascinating 1832 election!
As it turns out, he talks real good too.
Sep 13, 2020
The final VP candidate for 1832 is perhaps the most terrifying to be reckoned with on the political stage right now. Why, because he wants to literally tear the country apart and he knows exactly how to do it. If you wanted a House of Cards story, you're in luck...
This is a REBROADCAST with the NEW INFO at the 12:15...
Sep 6, 2020
The second to last VP candidate for 1832 is yet another newcomer to this grand political stage. And once again, he seems pretty average... Well, except the Yu-Gi-Oh thing.