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Garbled Twistory: A US History Podcast told through elections!

Jun 27, 2021

We are starting this series of in-between-election episodes with a real bang! Why? Because apparently, somebody randomly decided it was time to summon Iblis: The Flames of Destruction. Hey, I don't make the rules, okay?

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Jun 20, 2021

Hurrah! We have made our way to the 1844 US Presidential Election! My goodness! This one is gonna be HUGELY consequential as far as the course of US History is concerned. Why? Well, it's all thanks to a big fat area that starts with a big fat letter T!

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Jun 13, 2021

We're looking at our final prezzy wezzy candidate for this turbulent 1844 US election! While we may have discussed this man before, the turn of events that caused him to even be a presidential candidate this time is so utterly wild and specific, it's like we're talking about a different person!

But fascinatingly, we...

Jun 6, 2021

As we continue examining the presidential candidates for 1844, an old flame comes charging back into the fray! He's been around this whole time, influencing all the events with vigor! It's a major life update from a man who's always ready for a good race!

This is a REBROADCAST with the NEW INFO at the 33:44 mark!